Purcell: Come ye sons of Art; Welcome, viceregent of the mighty king; Why are all the Muses mute? (1992)
by Gillian Fisher (soprano), James Bowman (counter tenor), John Mark Ainsley (tenor), Mark Padmore (tenor), Michael Chance (counter tenor), Michael George (bass), Paul Goodwin (oboe), Robert Evans (bass), Tessa Bonner (soprano), The King's Consort
Mozart: Krönungsmesse, K 317; Vesperae solennes de confessore, K 339 (1993)
by Alastair Ross (organ), Catherine Robbin (contralto), Emma Kirkby (soprano), John Mark Ainsley (tenor), Michael George (bass), Winchester Cathedral Choir (choir, chorus), Winchester College Quiristers (choir, chorus), Academy of Ancient Music
The Complete Secular Solo Songs of Henry Purcell (2003)
by Barbara Bonney (soprano), Charles Daniels (tenor), David Miller (theorbo), David Miller (archlute), James Bowman (counter tenor), Mark Caudle (bass viol), Michael George (bass), Robert King (organ), Robert King (harpsichord), Rogers Covey-Crump (tenor)