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Alibris Shipping & Delivery

Domestic Shipping

International Shipping

Frequently Asked Questions

 More questions? Visit our Help & Customer Service page or e-mail Customer Service.

US Shipping & Delivery Times

To contiguous U.S. addresses
Super Value Shipping
3-7 business days* Free for eligible items when you order at least $39.00 of eligible items
Standard 3-7 business days* Books: $4.99
Music & movies: $4.99
Books: $3.49
Music & movies: $2.99
Trackable Expedited 2-4 business days* Books: $9.99
Music & movies: $9.19
Books: $7.99
Music & movies: $6.99
Two Day Air 2-3 business days Books: $29.99
Music & movies: $25.99
Books: $11.99
Music & movies: $7.99
To Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. protectorate, P.O. box, and APO/FPO addresses
Super Value Shipping
4-28 days** Free for eligible items when you order at least $39.00 of eligible items
Standard 4-28 days** Books: $4.99
Music & movies: $4.99
Books: $3.49
Music & movies: $2.99
*may be delayed in transit up to 20 calendar days
**may be delayed in transit up to 45 calendar days

US Independent Sellers Shipping & Delivery Times

The first item from each seller is charged as noted below. Purchase additional items from the same seller to receive consolidated shipping discounts (excludes rentals).

To contiguous U.S. addresses
Standard 4-14 days* Books: $4.99
Music & movies: $4.99
Books: $3.49
Music & movies: $2.99
Trackable Expedited 3-8 days*** Books: $9.99
Music & movies: $9.19
Books: $7.99
Music & movies: $6.99
Two Day Air 2 business days Books: $29.99
Music & movies: $25.99
Books: $11.99
Music & movies: $7.99
To Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. protectorate, P.O. box, and APO/FPO addresses
Standard 4-28 days** Books: $4.99
Music & movies: $4.99
Books: $3.49
Music & movies: $2.99
*may be delayed in transit up to 20 calendar days
**may be delayed in transit up to 45 calendar days
***may be delayed in transit up to 10 calendar days

Canada Shipping & Delivery Times **

The first item from each seller is charged as noted below. Order additional items from the same seller to receive consolidated shipping discounts.

From Alibris or an independent seller
Canadian 7-14 days* Books: $10.99
Music & movies: $3.99
Books: $6.49
Music & movies: $3.49
*may be delayed in transit up to 30 calendar days
**If you receive delivery of an order at an address outside the United States, you may be subject to import duties and taxes. You are responsible for these and related charges.

International Shipping & Delivery Times **

From Alibris or an independent seller
Standard International 3-4 weeks* Books: $16.99
Music & movies: $14.99
Books: $16.99
Music & movies: $14.99
Priority International*** About 2 weeks* Books: $64.99
Music & movies: $59.99
Books: $64.99
Music & movies: $59.99
*may be delayed in transit up to 45 calendar days
**If you receive delivery of an order at an address outside the United States, you may be subject to import duties and taxes. You are responsible for these and related charges.
***Priority International shipping is available only for orders consisting entirely of items shipped by Alibris, not for items shipped by an independent seller.

International Shipping Process

All orders shipped from the U.S. to an international destination are shipped via ISAL or International Surface Air Lift, which consolidates and delivers packages from the U.S. to international destinations, handing the package to your local postal system. To allow U.S. sellers who would otherwise not be able to ship internationally to receive international orders, we have all U.S. sellers ship through our freight forwarding centers. The seller ships within the U.S. to one of two freight forwarding centers, who then consolidate shipments to the destination countries. The item is then ultimately delivered to your address via your local postal service.

The average transit time for packages shipped using this method is 2 weeks to most locations, though delays of up to 45 days can occur. Delivery is ultimately determined by the local mail service or by customs assessment in your country. Packages are batched to reduce time in transit, so unfortunately, these shipments cannot be tracked.

Countries Available For Shipping

Shipping is available to ALL COUNTRIES except for the following: Afghanistan, Algeria, Brazil, Cuba, Guinea-Bissau, Iran, Iraq, Liberia, Libya, Myanmar, Nigeria, North Korea, and Sudan.

Frequently Asked Questions

Tracking your order

If you selected Trackable Expedited or Two Day Air as your order's shipping method, you can track its progress after it has shipped. To do so, click the Account link in the upper-right menu of our Web site. Then enter your password to review and track such purchases. Other shipping methods are not trackable.

Independent seller shipping

Items shipped by our independent sellers are not eligible for Super Value Shipping (SVS). As a result, shipping charges are applied to items listed by independent sellers, even if other items in your shopping cart do qualify for Super Value Shipping. However, you may receive consolidated shipping discounts when you purchase more than one item from the same independent seller in the same order. Because they all ship via Trackable Expedited shipping, rentals are ineligible for consolidated shipping.

Estimating total shipping time

The amount of time your order will take to reach you depends on the items you're ordering, where the seller is located, and where and how you want the order shipped. Items listed as shipping from Alibris are normally sent on the first business day after you order them. Items listed as shipping from independent sellers usually take 2 to 3 days to process before shipment, and items from non-U.S. and non-Canadian sellers may take up to three weeks to process. Once you have selected your items, please use the tables above to estimate the total delivery time to your location.

Items from non-U.S. and non-Canadian sellers take longer

When you order items from sellers outside the United States or Canada, they ship your merchandise to our warehouse first. We then verify and check your order before shipping it on to you, whether you're located inside or outside of the U.S. This process takes some extra time, but it helps to ensure that your order is accurate when it reaches you.

Import duties and taxes on orders shipped between countries

If you are the recipient of an order shipped between countries, you may be subject to import duties and taxes, which are assessed when the package reaches your country. You are responsible for these and any other additional charges. Most carriers assess applicable duties and taxes when the shipment from us arrives in your country. If more money is owed, they will send you a letter notifying you of the charges and the steps you need to take to receive your package.

Unfortunately, we can't control or determine the duties and taxes that will apply to your order. Because policies vary, please contact your country's customs office for more information. When ordering from us, you are the importer of record and must comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the country in which you are receiving the goods.

Additional shipping charges may apply

When multi-volume sets, exceptionally large or heavy books, and/or ephemera are ordered, additional shipping charges may be assessed. If you are ordering such an item, we recommend contacting its seller beforehand to determine whether non-standard shipping charges will be applied to your order.

Expedited Shipping

Rush methods available

Two Day Air shipping is available from both Alibris and select independent marketplace sellers. Please add your items to your Cart and if the independent seller offers Two Day Air, it will appear as an option on the final checkout page.

How fast is rush delivery?

Rush orders normally ship the next business day after the order is placed. However, while it's definitely not the norm, some rush items can take longer than expected to be delivered.

Please be aware that items shipped Two Day Air sometimes require up to two days of processing time before they can ship. Rush orders can also only ship and be delivered on non-holiday weekdays within the contiguous United States. And the availability of an item (as described in its listing) is also a factor; some items aren't available for several days.

Again, complications aren't common, but please bear these details in mind when selecting a rush shipping method.