Purcell: Come ye sons of Art; Welcome, viceregent of the mighty king; Why are all the Muses mute? (1992)
by Gillian Fisher (soprano), James Bowman (counter tenor), John Mark Ainsley (tenor), Mark Padmore (tenor), Michael Chance (counter tenor), Michael George (bass), Paul Goodwin (oboe), Robert Evans (bass), Tessa Bonner (soprano), The King's Consort
Bach: St. Matthew Passion [1988 Recording] (1989)
by Andreas Schmidt (baritone), Ann Monoyios (soprano), Anne Sofie von Otter (alto), Anthony Rolfe Johnson (tenor), Barbara Bonney (soprano), Cornelius Hauptmann (bass), Gilian Ross (soprano), Howard Crook (tenor), Michael Chance (tenor), Olaf Bär (baritone)
Bach Cantatas, Vol. 18: Weimar/Leipzig/Hamburg (2010)
by Bernarda Fink (alto), Christoph Genz (tenor), Claron McFadden (soprano), Dietrich Henschel (bass), James Gilchrist (tenor), Magdalena Ko?ená (soprano), Michael Chance (alto), Peter Harvey (bass), Sally Bruce-Payne (alto), Monteverdi Choir (choir, chorus)