Music for the Tudor Kings: Henry VII & Henry VIII (2007)
by David James (counter tenor), Judith Nelson (soprano), Leigh Nixon (tenor), New London Consort, Nigel North (lute), Paul Elliott (tenor), Paul Hillier (baritone), Paul Nieman (recorder), Philip Pickett (soprano crumhorn), Philip Pickett (recorder)
Handel: Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne; Anthem for the Foundling Hospital
by David Thomas (bass), Emma Kirkby (soprano), James Bowman (counter tenor), Judith Nelson (soprano), Martyn Hill (tenor), Shirley Minty (contralto), Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Oxford (choir, chorus), Academy of Ancient Music, Simon Preston (conductor)
Alessandro Scarlatti & Alessandro Melani: Arias & Cantates pour soprano & trompette (1992)
by Chiara Banchini (baroque violin), Clena Stein (contrabass), Dennis Ferry (trumpet), Enrico Gatti (baroque violin), Gordon Murray (harpsichord), Gordon Murray (organ), Jonathan Rubin (theorbo), Jonathan Rubin (luth), Judith Nelson (soprano)