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Overall Seller Rating:

Alibris seller since April 2011

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Customer comments

All of the comments for ThriftBooks-Baltimore appear below:

negative comment by Aaron H on Sep 8, 2023

This book was in poor condition, not at all "very good" as the description stated.

positive comment by daniel g on Sep 7, 2023

would buy from them again

neutral comment by Polly D on Sep 6, 2023

ordered softcover, got hardcover

positive comment by Sem Library on Sep 5, 2023

Very happy!

positive comment by Tanja v on Sep 5, 2023

The book is in great condition, and arrived in less than a week.

positive comment by Roland A on Sep 5, 2023

excellent, thank you

positive comment by Panagiotis M on Sep 4, 2023

Very nice, as always !!! PM

positive comment by Amy P on Sep 2, 2023

In this instance, "fine" means a bit worn. There's no writing or marks in the book but the edges are worn, the corners are scuffed and the paper has that plump feeling well-used books get.

positive comment by Lynn H on Sep 2, 2023

Am happy with your service and the book. Thank you.

negative comment by Andrew G on Sep 2, 2023

Front and back spine bindings broken. Don't know if it happened in shipping or if it was already damaged. The volume needs to be repaired or replaced.

positive comment by Mr. X on Aug 31, 2023


positive comment by Dorothy T on Aug 31, 2023

The book, St. Teresa of Avila, was in excellent condition and arrived quickly. It was a pleasure doing business with Thrift Books. Thank you!

positive comment by Eang3aix on Aug 29, 2023

Item arrived promptly and in the stated condition; would buy from again.

positive comment by Eang3aix on Aug 28, 2023

Item arrived promptly and in the stated condition. Would buy from again.

positive comment by David E on Aug 24, 2023

Got exactly what I wanted.

positive comment by Gary on Aug 21, 2023

Book is wonderful. Thank you!

neutral comment by Lynn H on Aug 18, 2023

Happy with service and book.

positive comment by William on Aug 17, 2023

The item arrived on time and in good condition. Great service! 5 stars!

positive comment by Robert on Aug 16, 2023

Fast delivery. Thanks.

positive comment by Bruce on Aug 15, 2023

Exactly as described, and exactly what I wanted. I'd borrowed this book from our local library and wanted it on my own shelves. Very pleased!

positive comment by Daniel W on Aug 11, 2023

Great seller. Arrived safely. Many thanks.

neutral comment by Anne M on Aug 11, 2023

This book was missing pages 11-26; I would love my money back.

neutral comment by Paul B on Aug 4, 2023

Marked pages throughout the book, Cover page torn out. Readable but not good condition. Speedy shipping

positive comment by Nathan on Jul 31, 2023

Exellent all-around seller, couldn't ask for more.

positive comment by James B on Jul 28, 2023

Good service, have ordered from them in the past and will do so in the future if they have what I'm looking for.

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