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Overall Seller Rating:

Alibris seller since April 2011

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Customer comments

All of the comments for ThriftBooks-Baltimore appear below:

negative comment by Danielle K on Jul 1, 2024

Item did not match condition listed. It was supposed to be very good and without writing throughout the book. This copy had underlining and margin notes throughout.

positive comment by Terry B on Jun 26, 2024

Excellent product, excellent service, would not hesitate to use this seller again

negative comment by Debra on Jun 21, 2024

This should have been listed as ?Fair.? There is so many post it notes with the glue permanently stuck to pages and so much underlining it has struck through some sentences making this copy unreadable. It will be tossed in the trash.

positive comment by mbloom1 on Jun 21, 2024

Great Transaction!

positive comment by Daniel W on Jun 16, 2024

Great reliable seller. Many thanks.

negative comment by Dominic L on Jun 16, 2024

No mention of the fact it was ex-library. Very important to me.

negative comment by Charles B on Jun 14, 2024

Seller has NO concept as to what Hardcover means. You get what you get.

positive comment by orawan on Jun 13, 2024

Well received, thank you.

positive comment by craig on Jun 11, 2024

Book came quickly in excellent condition

positive comment by Michelle N on Jun 7, 2024

cool book

negative comment by Panagiotis on Jun 5, 2024

The book has HEAVY ink (but also pencil) writing, despite its description as clean etc etc. The price was good. The problem is that the seller is trying to deceive the customer.

positive comment by Stella P on Jun 4, 2024

Very Prompt

positive comment by Carl F on Jun 2, 2024


positive comment by Joan B on May 31, 2024

well done

positive comment by Robert O on May 24, 2024

Well-packaged, quickly shipped. Highly recommended seller!!

positive comment by Marie M on May 20, 2024

Fast shipping and book exactly as described! Very happy

positive comment by Jeffrey P on May 20, 2024

Fine/like new as described, arrived in just 3 days

positive comment by Terry K on May 19, 2024

I recommend this seller. Book exactly as described. Quick shipping.

positive comment by Terry K on May 19, 2024

I recommend this seller. Book exactly as described. Quick shipping.

positive comment by Joseph on May 17, 2024

Excellent!! Exactly what I was searching for. I highly recommend this seller. Thanks.

positive comment by Gary on May 16, 2024

As advertised, thanks.

positive comment by Walter Z on May 14, 2024

Excellent! Great value!! Perfect condition!!! Promptly shipped; however, don't expect too many tracking details as they use OSM Worldwide!!!! That said, do shop and buy with confidence as I highly recommend this seller!!!!!

positive comment by Walter Z on May 14, 2024

Excellent! Great value!! Excellent condition!!! Promptly shipped; however, don't expect too many tracking details as they use OSM Worldwide!!!! That said, do shop and buy with confidence as I highly recommend this seller!!!!!

positive comment by saxunltd on May 14, 2024

This book arrived way ahead of estimated date and it's in great shape with excellent packaging. Thanks so very much!

positive comment by J on May 13, 2024

Thank you.

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