Grofé: Grand Canyon Suite: Gershwin: Porgy & Bess Symphonic Suite Catfish Row (1987)
by Bruce Leek (sound effects), Dan Gibson (sound effects), Michael Bishop (sound effects), Phillip Ruder (violin), Rick Snyder (celeste), Timothy Berens (banjo), William Tritt (piano), Cincinnati Pops Orchestra, Erich Kunzel (conductor)
Respighi: Pines of Rome; Fountains of Rome; Metamorphoseon Modi XII (2000)
by Duane Dugger (horn), Eric Kim (cello), Gillian Benet Sella (harp), Marna Street-Ramsey (viola), Michael Bishop (sound effects), Randolph Bowman (flute), Richard Hawley (clarinet), Richard Johnson (oboe), Thomas Sherwood (horn), Timothy Lees (violin)