The Most Relaxing Classical Album in the World...Ever! (1997)
by Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Andrei Gavrilov (piano), Camerata Lysy Gstaad, Cécile Ousset (piano), City of London Sinfonia, Consortium Musicum, Danielle Millet (mezzo-soprano), Elisabeth Schwarzkopf (soprano), Fritz Helmis (harp)
Haydn: Nelsonmesse; Harmoniemesse; Paukenmesse; Kleine Orgelmesse (1997)
by Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Alexander Young (tenor), April Cantelo (soprano), Barry McDaniel (bass), Brian Runnett (organ), Erna Spoorenberg (soprano), Helen Watts (contralto), Jennifer Smith (soprano), John Scott (organ), Joseph Rouleau (bass)
The Best Choral Album in the World...Ever! (1999)
by Charles Brett (alto), Consortium Musicum, David Bell (organ), Eiddwen Harrhy (soprano), Felicity Lott (soprano), Gerald Finley (cantor), Ian Partridge (tenor), James Morris (bass), King's Singers, London Classical Players, Manuel Barrueco (guitar)