The Presocratic Philosophers
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The Pre-Platonic Philosophers
Friedrich Nietzsche,
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Emile; or On Education
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The Beginnings of Philosophy...
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The Beginning of Western...
Martin Heidegger,
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Early Greek Philosophy,...
Andr? Laks (Translator),
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Early Greek Philosophy,...
Andr? Laks (Translator),
Glenn W Most (Translator)
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The Texts of Early Greek...
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The Concept of Presocratic...
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Les confessions
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Presocratics: Natural...
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Early Greek Philosophy,...
Andr? Laks (Translator),
Glenn W Most (Translator)
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Early Greek Philosophy,...
Andr? Laks (Translator),
Glenn W Most (Translator)
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Early Greek Philosophy,...
Andr? Laks (Translator),
Glenn W Most (Translator)
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Early Greek Philosophy,...
Andr? Laks (Translator),
Glenn W Most (Translator)
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Early Greek Philosophy,...
Andr? Laks (Translator),
Glenn W Most (Translator)
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Philosophy Before Socrates:...
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A History of Greek Philosophy...
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Presocratic Philosophy
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