Second Shift: The Inside...
David Hollister,
Ray Tadgerson
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Cities and the Creative Class
Richard Florida, PhD,
Mark Boyett (Read by)
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Locavesting: The Revolution...
Amy Cortese,
Caroline Shaffer (Read by)
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The End of the Suburbs: Where...
Leigh Gallagher,
Jessica Geffen (Read by)
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The End the Suburbs: Where...
Leigh Gallagher,
Jessica Geffen (Narrator)
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Triumph of the City: How Our...
Edward Glaeser,
Lloyd James (Narrator)
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Katrina: After the Flood
Gary Rivlin,
Heller (Read by)
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Katrina: After the Flood
Gary Rivlin,
Heller (Read by)
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Katrina Lib/E: After the Flood
Gary Rivlin,
Heller (Read by)
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Glass, Paper, Beans:...
Leah Hager Cohen
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