While this novel is brief, I believe it works. One only needs to "feel" the connection these two characters possess to know that it is a given they must work/live/be together. Nighttime short romances are swift to engage in the love story to throw the plot into a broiler and keep the reader engaged. A longer version would likely only encompass the back stories of progression to the meeting point. Since psychic abilties abound, it is likely that the two characters would have had dreams or "visions" of the eventual meeting and be required to engage regardless of an outside influence. The lack of back story length allows the reader to imagine many previous scenarios that would force these two together. Hence, it works to toss them immediately into a plot. Life and death necessitates swift action and makes one take stock to live to the fullest without much reflection. That is why this works for these two to engage. A woman held prisioner initially, she has no choice, regardless of what modern woman feel they would not endure by "staying" with this man. His charisma and his ability to allow her to feel free about her "powers" for the first time in her life offers her acceptance on a level she has never had. That is too powerful to ignore and she chooses her path of freedom with comfort in the knowledge she is not judged and need not be afraid to be herself.