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Availability & Pricing

What is the difference between Alibris items and Seller items?
What are the benefits of ordering items that ship from Alibris?
How do I order multiple copies of an item?
Are all of your prices in U.S. dollars?
Why are there different prices for different copies of the same item?
Do you negotiate prices?
Do you offer bulk discounts?
Do you charge sales tax?
Does Alibris sell new books, movies, and music items?
How do I buy more than one copy of a new item?
How much is shipping on new items?
Will all of my new items ship together?
How do I return a new item?

What is the difference between Alibris items and Seller items?

Items that ship direct from Alibris are stocked in our warehouses located in the United States. Items listed on Alibris through our network of independent sellers are stocked by the sellers in their individual locations around the world. Each item's listing indicates who is the seller and, if an independent seller, where they are located.

Items stocked by Alibris are eligible for shipping discounts (Super Value Shipping) and can also be shipped via One Day Air or Two Day Air (only to a U.S. address). Items that ship direct from Alibris usually are shipped one business day after you place your order. Items shipped from our seller network are not currently eligible for Super Value Shipping.

Review our shipping information to determine when to anticipate delivery of an Alibris or a seller item.

What are the benefits of ordering items that ship direct from Alibris?

Items that ship direct from Alibris will usually ship one business day after you place your order. Also, items that are marked as shipping from Alibris can be shipped via One Day Air or Two Day Air to U.S. addresses; to qualify, your cart must contain only items that are eligible for rush shipping.

Items shipping from independent sellers usually ship in two to three business days. Review our shipping information to determine when to anticipate delivery of an Alibris or a seller item..

How do I order multiple copies of an item?

Each item you find on our Web site is a single, unique copy. If you want more than one copy of a particular item, scroll through the search results for additional copies. To get the specific copies you want, add each item to your Shopping Cart. If a seller has multiple copies, you can increase the quantity by changing the number in the quantity box in your cart (up to the total quantity the seller has in stock) and then clicking the Update button under your selections. Then place your order when you have finished making your selections.

If you don't find exactly what you want, you can submit a request to Book Fetch, and we'll keep sniffing around for it for you. Every time an item gets added to the Alibris inventory, Book Fetch will check to see if it matches your request. If Book Fetch finds a match, you will be notified immediately via e-mail. Please be sure to review Book Fetch's Tips & Tricks. At this time, Book Fetch cannot search for music, movies, eBooks, or rentals.

Are all of your prices in U.S. dollars?

Our default pricing currency is U.S. dollars. However, if you are located outside the United States, our Web site may show you prices in your currency or will present you with a Change Currency link on Search Results pages or in your Shopping Cart. Simply click the Change Currency link to select the currency you'd like to use. When you check out, your transaction will be processed in the currency you choose.

Why are there different prices for different copies of the same item?

Different copies of the same item are priced differently because each item on our Web site is a single, unique copy with varying condition, features, rarity, and other factors.

Do you negotiate prices?

No—we list one no-hassle, no-haggle price for each item. We can't accept offers below the quoted price on an item. If you have a question about an item, please contact Customer Service. Be sure to include the item's Alibris ID, so we can find the specific item you want. You'll find the Alibris ID on the Product Details page, which can be found by clicking on the highlighted item title from the Search Results page.

Do you offer bulk discounts?

We don't give bulk discounts because each item you find on our Web site is a single, unique copy, and when you order it, we retrieve it—whether it's from a tiny Alaskan bookshop, or plucked from our own shelves. So what seems like a bulk order may actually be many items from many different sellers all over the world.

Do you charge sales tax?

Sales tax and other taxes (VAT, GST, etc.) is collected for orders delivered to most U.S. states, Canada, Australia, and EU countries based on the laws and rates of the destination locale. Tax on shipping charges may be included where required.

Does Alibris sell new books, movies, and music items? 

Yes! Alibris offers millions of used, new, and hard-to-find books, movies, and music items. All new items are designated by these graphics.

Used items are graded by condition so you can know exactly what to expect. Click here to start searching for items.

How do I buy more than one copy of a new item? 

To buy more than one copy of a new item, simply click the Add To Cart button once for each new copy you wish to purchase.

How much is shipping on new items? 

Please see our Shipping Information page for detailed information about our shipping rates.

Will all of my new items ship together? 

New and used items may ship together or separately, depending on whether they are shipped from the same seller.


How do I return a new book?

Our Returns Policy is the same for all of our items. Please see our Returns Policy for details.


More questions? Go back to the main Help & Customer Service page or send e-mail to customer service.