Best of all, my family and I love helping each customer to feel good when order collectible antic Books, DVDs, movies, and games at MY BOOKS N ME store. We provide the greatest service that exceeded most of our customer expectations. Great Quality Service Means repeating MY BOOKS N ME's Mission Statement: Fast shipping, at your doorstep. We offer Collectible items at an affordable price. You can take your book on the beach, at your bedroom, and the dinner table.
I got into book business because of my wife and my daughters. They said, "You enjoy reading your books but don't have time to; why don't you give someone else the chance?" I please her ideology and immediately, we opened (MY BOOKS 'N' ME) at Alibris. We provide you with the same privilege to enjoy our books collection. Our mission is to provide best product with lowest price possible. For the past 5 years, MY BOOKS 'N'ME sold more than 10,000 books to our loyal customers here in Alibris Store. Our book collection including about 10 different languages start with English, French, Spanish and More. We trying to do our best to describe the most important issue on each book. In general, we do not price the item on condition but on value.
I am constantly looking for books, Music's, Movies and Games that you
really like to own.
Please let your friends and your family know your satisfaction with
reading with Mysmillingbook.
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On this note;, There ae four sections. Your feedback is very
important for me. it help e understand how you see the ite defferent
that I did.
the most importantnote, said if you not satisfied with this ite
return it for refund. Book never to old and to bad for those who need
it. If the item is new, I said new and seals.
last no return on any media that douplicatable or els. I sign on each
DVD, CDs and Video games disc before i mai the out. It is process to
ake sureI sendyou the right....
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Fisrt I list all books, Cd, Video Gaes as very good condition. On the
special note: I reffer to the remark that I see that will be good for
you to know about. book has 200 pages with marks, old library's item,
soft cover wrinkle. if the book is readable there for it is in very
good condition. I do not list any item like new,fair or poor. if it
not new therefore it is used pre-owned..
I hope this note will help you to make your purchase very easy and
brink satisfaction to your transaction....
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Manager -
posted by MYBOOKSNME on December 10, 2011
I here to assistant your shopping at my smillingbook with pride and interest.
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