P.D.Q. Bach: Music You Can't Get Out of Your Head (1982)
by Abdul Falafel (double reeds), Bill Becker (double reeds), Diva Goodfriend-Koven (pump flute), Early Anderson (trombone), Lauren Goldstein (double reeds), Marilyn Brustadt (soprano), New York Pick-Up Ensemble, Paul Lustig Dunkel (pump flute)
Frederick Jacobi: Concerto for Violoncello and Orchestra; Sabbath Evening Service; Hagiographa (2004)
by Aaron Miller (organ), Alban Gerhardt (cello), Brian Krinke (violin), George Taylor (viola), Joseph Werner (piano), Neil W. Levin (recorder), Patrick Mason (baritone), Paul Schwendener (recorder), Perrin Yang (violin), Richard Lee (recorder)