Schoenberg: Pierrot Lunaire; Lied der Waldtaube; Erwartung (1993)
by Antony Pay (clarinet), Antony Pay (clarinet), Daniel Barenboim (piano), Janis Martin (soprano), Jessye Norman (soprano), Members of the Ensemble InterContemporain, Michel Debost (flute), Michel Debost (piccolo flute), Pinchas Zukerman (violin)
Antonio Vivaldi: The Four Seasons and other Concertos (1968)
by Aimée Auriacombe (violin), Albert Calvayrac (trumpet), Andre Bernes (trumpet), André Saint-Clivier (mandolin), Christian Schneider (mandolin), Georges Armand (violin), Klaus Muhlberger (violin), Michel Debost (flute), Michel Sanvoisin (flute)
Prokofiev: Pierre et le loup; Saint-Saëns: Le carnaval des animaux; Poulenc: L'histoire de Babar
by Aldo Ciccolini (piano), Alexis Weissenberg (piano), Claude Piéplu, Marcel Cazauran (contrabass), Marcel Cordier (cello), Michel Debost (flute), Peter Ustinov, Orchestre de Paris, Igor Markevitch (conductor)
The Most Relaxing Flute Album in the World... Ever! (2005)
by Alastair Ross (harpsichord), Andrew Litton (piano), Benoit Fromanger (flute), Christopher van Kampen (cello), Denis Vigay (cello), Emmanuel Pahud (flute), Eric Le Sage (piano), Francois Gobet (piano), Fritz Helmis (harp), Hans-Martin Linde (flute)