The Most Relaxing Flute Album in the World... Ever! (2005)
by Alastair Ross (harpsichord), Andrew Litton (piano), Benoit Fromanger (flute), Christopher van Kampen (cello), Denis Vigay (cello), Emmanuel Pahud (flute), Eric Le Sage (piano), Francois Gobet (piano), Fritz Helmis (harp), Hans-Martin Linde (flute)
Des musiques pour le Présent (Music of Today) (2005)
by Alexandre Tharaud (piano), Doug Boyd (vocals), Emmanuelle Bertrand (cello), Ensemble Musique Vivante, Eric Lipsitt (vocals), Ewa Kupiec (piano), Frazier Stevenson (vocals), Isabelle Faust (violin), Kathie Longinotti (vocals), Lark Coryell (vocals)
Castérčde: Complete Works for Flute, Vol. 3 (2020)
by Allyson Michal (violin), Andrew Burden (flute), Benjamin De Kock (double bass), Brook Ferguson (flute), Brook Ferguson (flute), Brook Ferguson (flute), Christina Jennings (flute), Christina Jennings (flute), Cobus du Toit (flute), Cobus du Toit (flute)