Offenbach: Orpheus in the Underworld (Highlights) (1989)
by Anthony Cunningham (vocals), Bonaventura Bottone (vocals), Cathryn Pope (vocals), Edward Byles (vocals), Emile Belcourt (vocals), Fiona Kimm (vocals), Glyn Adams (vocals), Lillian Watson (vocals), Raymond Ovens (violin), Richard Angas (vocals)
Journey Into Light: Music for Advent, Christmas, Epiphany and Candlemas (2012)
by Alasdair Austin (treble), Alexander Beetschen (baritone), Edward Leach (tenor), Emma Walton (soprano), Frances Burn (alto), Jaliya Senanayake (tenor), Matthew Smith (bass), Nico Bryan (treble), Olympia Hetherington (soprano), Rebecca Crawshaw (trumpet)
Kurt Weill: Recordare; Luigi Dallapiccola: Canti di Prigionia (1983)
by Ann Hobson Pilot (harp), Arthur Press (percussion), Caitriona Yeats (harp), Charles Smith (percussion), David Guisti (vocals), Dean Anderson (percussion), Dennis Helmrich (piano), Edward Meltzer (percussion), Everett Firth (tympani [timpani])