Bach: The Six Brandenburg Concertos (1996)
by Ani Kavafian (violin), Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center, Daniel Grabois (horn), Daniel Phillips (violin), Daniel Phillips (viola), David Bilger (trumpet), Edgar Meyer (bass), Eugenia Zukerman (flute), Fred Sherry (cello), John Gibbons (harpsichord)
Wolpe: Quintet with Voice; Piece in 3 Parts; Suite im Hexachord (1993)
by Aleck Karis (piano), Allen Blustine (clarinet), Barbara Allen (harp), Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center, Daniel Grabois (horn), Eric Bartlett (cello), Hilda Morley (speech/speaker/speaking part), Jan Opalach (bass baritone), Peter Serkin (piano)
Consoli: Varie Azioni/Vuci Siculani/Memorie Pie/Di. Ver. Ti. Mento/Saxlodie (1997)
by Barbara Ann Martin (mezzo-soprano), Bernard Yannotta (clarinet), Christopher Washburne (trombone), Cyrus Stevens (violin), Daniel Grabois (french horn), Daryl Goldberg (cello), David Leisner (guitar), Elizabeth Szlek (flute)
When You are Reminded by the Instruments: The Music of Hayes Biggs (2018)
by Andrew Steinberg (sax), Christopher Oldfather (piano), Curtis Macomber (violin), Daniel Grabois (horn), Desiree Glazier-Nazro (drums), Desiree Glazier-Nazro (tambourine), Desiree Glazier-Nazro (steel pan), Elizabeth England (horn)