John Pickard: The Gardener of Aleppo and other Chamber Works (2020)
by Adrian Brendel (cello), Gareth Hulse (oboe), Ian Brown (piano), Lucy Wakeford (harp), Nash Ensemble, Philippa Davies (flute), Richard Hosford (clarinet), Scott Dickinson (viola), Susan Bickley (mezzo-soprano), Ursula Leveaux (bassoon)
Beethoven: Septet; Octet; Mendelssohn: Octet; Schubert: Octet (1997)
by Adrian Beers (double bass), Cecil Aronowitz (viola), Edgar Williams (bassoon), Emanuel Hurwitz (violin), Gervase de Peyer (clarinet), Iona Brown (violin), Ivor McMahon (violin), James Buck (horn), Keith Harvey (cello), Keith Puddy (clarinet)
Thomas Tallis: Lamentations and Contrafacta (2004)
by Adrian Hutton (bass), Alicia Carroll (soprano), Andrea Brown (soprano), Andrew Hewitt (tenor), Andrew Hope (baritone), Angela Heinkel (soprano), Ashley Stafford (alto), Ben Davis (baritone), Ben Turner (alto), Chapelle du Roi, David Barclay (tenor)