Contemporary critics pursed their lips and were shocked at the full-frontal gore and spare-part surgery in this gaudy shocker but audiences had no such lily livered inhibitions and flocked to see the bold, bad Baron Victor Frankenstein and his do-it-yourself 'creature' in vivid colour for the first time. Terence Fisher's unflinching depiction of horror and his skill as a story teller established him as the best post-war maker of screen chillers. The film made Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee international stars, and set Hammer Films of England on their profitable way to box-office bonanzas all over the world. Peter Cushing made the character of Baron Frankenstein, his own. He continued to play the Baron in a series of sequels that the studio produced. Christopher Lee, played the 'creature' in this first film only. Because of copyright reasons, the original appearance of the 'creature' could not be made to resemble the classic 'Boris Karloff look'. Universal Pictures had made sure that no companies borrowed the 'creature' look. Hammer's sequels always repeated Baron Frankenstein (Peter Cushing) only. His creations varied from picture to picture. In one sequel the Baron even created a woman. But for sheer shock, the first film in the series is the best.