Dalai Lama Renaissance (2008)
directed by Khashyar Darvich
featuring Harrison Ford, The Dalai Lama (XIV), Fred Alan Wolf, Amit Goswami, Brother Wayne Teasdale -
Wheel of Time (2003)
directed by Werner Herzog
featuring The Dalai Lama (XIV), Takna Jigme Sangpo, Mattieu Ricard, Thupten Tsering -
10 Questions for the Dalai Lama (2007)
directed by Rick Ray
featuring Rick Ray, The Dalai Lama (XIV) -
The Dalai Lama: Scientist (2019)
directed by Dawn Gifford Engle
featuring The Dalai Lama (XIV), Francisco Varela, Paul Ekman, Aaron Beck, David Bohm -
The Last Dalai Lama? (2017)
directed by Mickey Lemle
featuring The Dalai Lama (XIV), Rinchen Khando Choegyal, Tenzin L. Choegyal, Tenzin Choedrak -
Mustang: Journey to Transformation (2009)
directed by Will Parrinello
featuring Richard Gere, The Dalai Lama (XIV) -
Peace One Day (2003)
directed by Jeremy Gilley
featuring Kofi Annan, The Dalai Lama (XIV) -
Sunrise/Sunset (2008)
directed by Vitaliy Mansky
featuring The Dalai Lama (XIV) -
When the Dragon Swallowed the Sun (2010)
directed by Dirk Simon
featuring Richard Gere, Desmond Tutu, The Dalai Lama (XIV), Dennis Haysbert -
Talking With the Dalai Lama (2006)
directed by John Halpern, Les Levine
featuring The Dalai Lama (XIV)