The Unnamable (1988)
directed by Jean-Paul Ouellette
featuring Charles Klausmeyer, Mark Kinsey Stephenson, Alexandra Durrell, Laura Albert, Katrin Alexandre -
Live by the Fist (1993)
directed by Cirio Santiago
featuring Chris Aguilar, Laura Albert, Ronald Asinas, Ramon D'Salva, Roland Dantes -
Author: The JT LeRoy Story (2016)
directed by Jeff Feuerzeig
featuring Laura Albert, Bruce Benderson, Dennis Cooper, Panio Gianopoulos, Winona Ryder, Ira Silverberg -
Blood Games (1990)
directed by Tanya Rosenberg
featuring Laura Albert, Gregory Scott Cummins, Don Dowe, George "Buck" Flower, Julie Hall -
Death by Dialogue (1988)
directed by Tom Dewier
featuring Laura Albert, Lenny Delduca, Ken Sagoes, Kelly Sullivan -
Bullying (2009)
directed by Josetxo San Mateo
featuring Albert Carbo, Carlos Fuentes, Joan Carles Suau, Yohana Cobo, Laura Conejero