Sky Patrol (1939)
directed by Howard P. Bretherton
featuring John Trent, Marjorie Reynolds, Milburn Stone, Jackie Coogan, Jason Robards, Sr. -
Stunt Pilot (1939)
directed by George Waggner
featuring John Trent, Marjorie Reynolds, Milburn Stone, Jason Robards, Sr. -
Mystery Plane (1939)
directed by George Waggner
featuring John Trent, Milburn Stone, Marjorie Reynolds, Jason Robards, Sr., Peter George Lynn -
Badge of Honor (1934)
directed by Spencer Gordon Bennet
featuring Larry "Buster" Crabbe, Ruth Hall, Ralph Lewis, Betty Blythe, John Trent -
Danger Flight (1939)
directed by Howard P. Bretherton
featuring John Trent, Marjorie Reynolds, Milburn Stone, Jason Robards, Sr., Tommy Baker -
American Muscle (2014)
directed by Ravi Dhar
featuring Nick Principe, Robin Sydney, Todd Farmer, John Fallon, Trent Haaga -
Cool It (2010)
directed by Ondi Timoner
featuring Hashem Akbari, Jagdish Bhagwati, J.E. Bickel, Freeman Dyson, Myron Ebell, Kerry Emanuel, Tsegereda Embaye, Newt Gingrich, Barry Glassner, James Hansen, Zsuzsa Horvath, Daniel Kammen, John Kerry, Dennis Kucinich, Lee Lane, Christopher Landsea, Richard Lindzen, Lori Mitchell, Nathan Myhrvold, Daniel Nocera, Rajendra Pachauri, Peter Pagh, Roger Pielke, Gywn Prins, Paul Reiter, Arthur Rorsch, Jon Sader, Stephen Salter, Mtangulizi Sanyika, Thomas Schelling, Stephen Schneider, Vernon Smith, Marcel Stive, Nancy Stokey, Richard Tol, Jonathan Trent, Ivor Van Heerden, David Vaughan -
Love Is the Drug (2006)
directed by Elliott Lester
featuring John Patrick Amedori, Lizzy Caplan, D.J. Cotrona, Jonathan Trent, Jenny Wade