Peter Warlock: Capriol Suite; The Curlew; Six English Tunes; Serenade; Six Italian Dance Tunes (1996)
performed by Alison Alty (horn), Amanda Smith (violin), Edward Beckett (flute), Ferenc Szucs (cello), Martyn Hill (tenor), Peter Stevens (viola), Robert Gibbs (violin), London Festival Orchestra, Ross Pople (conductor)
composed by Peter Warlock -
Haydn, Beethoven: Scottish Folk Song Arrangements; English Songs (2002)
performed by Ambrose Gauntlett (viola da gamba), Douglas Whittaker (flute), George Malcolm (piano), George Malcolm (harpsichord), Janet Baker (mezzo-soprano), Martin Isepp (harpsichord), Robert Spencer (lute), Ross Pople (cello), Yehudi Menuhin (violin)
composed by Franz Joseph Haydn, George Munro, Henry Purcell, John Dowland, Ludwig van Beethoven, Thomas Arne, Thomas Campion, William Boyce -
George Benjamin: Orchestral Works
performed by London Sinfonietta, Ross Pople (cello)
composed by George Benjamin -
A Mind of Winter: The Music of George Benjamin (2000)
performed by Gareth Hulse (oboe), Ichiro Nodaira (keyboards), Paul Archibald (piccolo trumpet), Penelope Walmsley-Clark (soprano), Pierre-Laurent Aimard (keyboards), Richard Blake (flute), Ross Pople (cello), Sebastian Bell (flute)
composed by George Benjamin -
Händel: Water Music (1995)
performed by London Festival Orchestra, Ross Pople (conductor)
composed by George Frederick Handel -
Mendelssohn: Twelve String Symphonies (1991)
performed by London Festival Orchestra, Ross Pople (conductor)
composed by Felix Mendelssohn -
Franz Joseph Haydn & Carl Stanmitz: 3 Sinfonie Concertanti (1995)
performed by Geoffrey Gambold (bassoon), John Anderson (oboe), Richard Friedman (violin), Roger Best (viola), Ross Pople (cello), Steven C. Smith (violin), London Festival Orchestra, Ross Pople (conductor)
composed by Carl Stamitz, Franz Joseph Haydn -
J.C. Bach: Symphonies Op.3 (1995)
performed by London Festival Orchestra, Ross Pople (conductor)
composed by Johann Christian Bach -
Boyce: Symphonies (1996)
performed by London Festival Orchestra, Ross Pople (conductor)
composed by William Boyce -
Bach: Brandenburg Concertos (1996)
performed by London Festival Orchestra, Ross Pople (conductor)
composed by Johann Sebastian Bach -
Leos Janácek: Idyll; Mládi; Suite for String Orchestra (1995)
performed by Anthony Jennings (clarinet), Anthony Pike (clarinet), Derek Taylor (horn), Edward Beckett (flute), Malcolm Messiter (oboe), Richard Skinner (bassoon), London Festival Orchestra, Ross Pople (conductor)
composed by Leos Janácek -
J.C. Bach: 4 Symphonies Concertantes (1994)
performed by Alan Hacker (clarinet), Anthony Pike (clarinet), Derek Taylor (horn), Geoffrey Gambold (bassoon), James Sleigh (viola), Jane Marshall (oboe), Malcolm Messiter (oboe), Michael Baines (horn), Richard Friedman (violin), Roger Best (viola), Ross Pople (cello)
composed by Johann Christian Bach -
Corelli: Concerti Grossi, Op. 6 (1995)
performed by London Festival Orchestra, Ross Pople (conductor)
composed by Arcangelo Corelli -
Johann Sebastian Bach: Musical Offering (1995)
performed by Ross Pople (conductor)
composed by Johann Sebastian Bach -
Warlock: Capriol Suite; The Curlew; Six Italian Dance Tunes (1996)
performed by Alison Alty (horn), Amanda Smith (violin), Edward Beckett (flute), Ferenc Szucs (cello), Martyn Hill (tenor), Peter Stevens (viola), Robert Gibbs (violin), London Festival Orchestra, Ross Pople (conductor)
composed by Peter Warlock -
Handel: Water Music (1995)
performed by London Festival Orchestra, Ross Pople (conductor)
composed by George Frederick Handel -
Franz Schubert: Symphonies Nos. 3 & 4 (1996)
performed by London Festival Orchestra, Ross Pople (conductor)
composed by Franz Schubert -