Music of Howard Hanson, Vol. 1 (1998)
performed by Carol Rosenberger (piano), Judith Mendenhall (flute), New York Chamber Symphony, Randolph Baunton (drums), Ronald Johnson (drums), Seattle Symphony Orchestra, Susan Jolles (harp), Seattle Symphony Chorale (choir, chorus), Gerard Schwarz (conductor)
composed by Howard Hanson -
Edward Smaldone: Once and Again (2020)
performed by Charles Neidich (clarinet), Charles Neidich (clarinet), Daniel Phillips (violin), Donald Pirone (piano), Judith Mendenhall (flute), Judith Mendenhall (piccolo), June Han (harp), Marcy Rosen (cello), Morey Ritt (piano), Susan Narucki (soprano)
composed by Edward Smaldone -
Delos Great American Composers Series [Box Set] (2008)
performed by Carol Rosenberger (piano), Charles Butler (trumpet), James Earl Jones (speech/speaker/speaking part), Jean Dane (viola), Judith Mendenhall (flute), New York Chamber Symphony, Paul Ingraham (horn), Randall Ellis (oboe), Randolph Baunton (drums)
composed by Aaron Copland, Alan Hovhaness, David Diamond, Howard Hanson, Paul Creston, Roy Harris, Walter Piston -
Howard Hanson: Complete Symphonies and Other Works (Box Set) (1992)
performed by Carol Rosenberger (piano), Judith Mendenhall (flute), Michael Crusoe (tympani [timpani]), Randolph Baunton (drums), Ronald Johnson (drums), Susan Jolles (harp), Seattle Symphony Chorale (choir, chorus), Gerard Schwarz (conductor)
composed by Howard Hanson -
Great American Composers Collection (2002)
performed by Carol Rosenberger (piano), Jean Dane (viola), Judith Mendenhall (flute), Randall Ellis (oboe), Susan Jolles (harp), Syoko Aki (violin), New York Chamber Symphony, Gerard Schwarz (conductor)
composed by David Diamond, Howard Hanson, Paul Creston, Walter Piston