Claude Debussy: Music for the Prix de Rome (2010)
performed by Alain Buet (baritone), Bernard Richter (tenor), Guylaine Girard (soprano), Guylaine Girard (soprano), Jean-François Heisser (piano), Marie-Josèphe Jude (piano), Sophie Marilley (mezzo-soprano), Flemish Radio Choir (choir, chorus)
composed by Claude Debussy -
Charpentier: Music for the Prix de Rome (2011)
performed by Alain Buet (baritone), Bernard Richter (tenor), Helena Bohuscewicz (contralto), Julien Dran (tenor), Manon Feubel (soprano), Marc Barrard (baritone), Sabine Devieilhe (soprano), Symphonic Band of the Belgian Guides, Flemish Radio Choir (choir, chorus)
composed by Gustave Charpentier -
Notre-Dame: Cathédrale d'Émotions (2020)
performed by Alain Buet (baritone), Anaïs Bertrand (mezzo-soprano), Bérengère Sardin (harp), Cécile Achille (soprano), Clara Coutouly (soprano), Floriane Hasler (mezzo-soprano), Jean-Christophe Lanièce (baritone), Joséphine Geoffray (mezzo-soprano), Les Sacqueboutiers
composed by Anonymous, French, Anonymous, Notre Dame School, Gauthier de Coincy, Gustav Holst, Jean-Charles Gandrille, John Rutter, Morten Lauridsen, Philippe Hersant, William Mathias, Yves Castagnet -
Dubois: Musique sacrée et symphonique; Musique de chambre, Vol. 2 (2015)
performed by Alain Buet (baritone), Chantal Santon Jeffery (soprano), François Saint-Yves (organ), Jennifer Borghi (mezzo-soprano), Marie Kalinine (mezzo-soprano), Mathias Vidal (tenor), Quatuor Giardini, Romain Descharmes (piano), Flemish Radio Choir (choir, chorus)
composed by Théodore Dubois -
André-Modeste Grétry: La Caravane du Caire (2014)
performed by Alain Buet (baritone), Anicer Castel (bass baritone), Caroline Weynants (soprano), Chantal Santon Jeffery (soprano), Cyrille Dubois (tenor), Jennifer Borghi (mezzo-soprano), Julie Calbete (soprano), Julien Veronèse (bass baritone)
composed by André-Ernest-Modeste Grétry -
Royal Requiem (2021)
performed by Alain Buet (baritone), Carlo Vistoli (alto), Clémence Tilquin (soprano), Doulce Mémoire, Geoffrey Buffière (bass), Hugues Primard (tenor), Jeffrey Thompson (tenor), Katherine Watson (soprano), La Fenice, Le Concert Spirituel Orchestra & Chorus
composed by Anonymous, Antoine de Févin, Charles-Henri Plantade, Costanzo Festa, Gilles Henri Hayne, Henry Purcell, Johann Joseph Fux, Josquin Des Prez, Luigi Cherubini, Lupus, Niccolò Jommelli, Pierre de la Rue, Pierre Moulu, Sigismund Neukomm, Yann-Fañch Kemener -
La Tarantella e un po'di follie (2022)
performed by Alain Buet (bass), Alfio Antico (frame drum), Alfio Antico (vocals), Béatrice Mayo Felip (vocals), Béatrice Mayo Felip (soprano), Céline Vieslet (vocals), Céline Vieslet (soprano), Elizabeth Dobbin (vocals), Elizabeth Dobbin (soprano)
composed by Alfio Antico, Ambrogio Sparagna, Andrea Falconieri, Anonymous, Italian, Anonymous, Spanish, Antonio Bertali, Athanasius Kircher, Christina Pluhar, Don Francisco Xavier Cid, Emilio de' Cavalieri, Francesco Lambardi, Gianluigi Trovesi, Girolamo Frescobaldi -
Mondonville: Grands Motets (2016)
performed by Alain Buet (bass), Chantal Santon Jeffery (dessus), Daniela Skorka (dessus), Jeffrey Thompson (haute contre vocal), Mathias Vidal (haute contre vocal), Purcell Choir (choir, chorus), Orfeo Orchestra, György Vashegyi (conductor)
composed by Jean-Joseph Cassanéa de Mondonville -
Henry Madin: Te Deum pour les Victoires de Louis XV (2016)
performed by Adele Carlier (vocals), Alain Buet (bass), Alban Dufourt (tenor), Anne Magouët (soprano), Cécile Larroche (vocals), Geoffrey Buffière (bass), Jean-Philippe Zielinski (vocals), Judith Derouin (vocals), Julien Reynaud (vocals), Louis-Pierre Patron (vocals)
composed by Henry Madin -
Jean-Philippe Rameau: Les Fêtes de l'Hymen et de l'Amour (2014)
performed by Alain Buet (baritone), Blandine Staskiewicz (bas dessus), Carolyn Sampson (dessus), Chantal Santon Jeffery (dessus), Jennifer Borghi (bas dessus), Mathias Vidal (haute contre vocal), Reinoud Van Mechelen (haute contre vocal)
composed by Jean-Philippe Rameau -
Pancrace Royer: Pyrrhus (2014)
performed by Alain Buet (vocals), Brian Cummings (vocals), Bruno Renhold (vocals), Christophe Gautier (vocals), Edwige Parat (vocals), Emmanuelle de Negri (vocals), Guillemette Laurens (vocals), Jean-Yves Ravoux (vocals), Jeffrey Thompson (vocals)
composed by Joseph-Nicolas-Pancrace Royer -
Henry Desmarest: Grands Motets (2003)
performed by Alain Buet (tenor), Emmanuel Vistorky (bass), Hanna Bayodi-Hirt (treble), Le Concert Spirituel Orchestra & Chorus, Marie Louise Duthoit (treble), Robert Getchell (counter tenor), Stephan Van Dyck (tenor), Hervé Niquet (conductor)
composed by Henri Desmarets -
Les Grandes Eaux Musicales de Versailles (2015)
performed by Alain Buet (baritone), Alain Buet (bass baritone), Anders Dahlin (tenor), Anne-Marie Beaudette (soprano), Benoît Arnould (bass baritone), Bernard Richter (tenor), Café Zimmermann, Chantal Santon Jeffery (soprano), Emmanuelle de Negri (soprano)
composed by André Campra, Jean-Baptiste Lully, Jean-Marie Leclair, Jean-Philippe Rameau, Joseph-Nicolas-Pancrace Royer, Marc-Antoine Charpentier -
Händel: Agrippina (2004)
performed by Alain Buet (bass), Bernard Deletré (bass), Fabrice Di Falco (soprano), Frédéric Fisbach (staging), Ingrid Perruche (soprano), Nigel Smith (baritone), Philippe Jaroussky (alto), Thierry Gregoire (alto), Véronique Gens (soprano)
composed by George Frederick Handel -
Les Grandes Eaux Musicales de Versailles, 2014 (2014)
performed by Alain Buet (baritone), Arnaud Richard (bass baritone), Ausonia, Benoît Arnould (bass baritone), Bernard Richter (tenor), Café Zimmermann, Emmanuelle de Negri (soprano), Eugénie Warnier (soprano), Gaëlle Arquez (soprano), Konstantin Wolff (bass baritone)
composed by Anonymous, French, Etienne Moulinié, Jean-Baptiste Lully, Jean-Philippe Rameau, Michel Corrette, Various Composers -
Joseph Bodin de Boismortier: Daphnis et Chloé
performed by Alain Buet (bass), Arno Guillou (bass), François-Nicolas Geslot (tenor), Gaëlle Mechaly (soprano), Marie Louise Duthoit (soprano), Renaud Delaigue (bass), Till Fechner (bass), Le Concert Spirituel Orchestra & Chorus (choir, chorus)
composed by Joseph Bodin de Boismortier -
Neukomm: Requiem à la mémoire de Louis XVI (2017)
performed by Alain Buet (baritone), Clémence Tilquin (soprano), La Grande Écurie et la Chambre du Roy, Robert Getchell (tenor), Yasmina Favre (mezzo-soprano), Ch?ur de Chambre de Namur (choir, chorus), Jean-Claude Malgoire (conductor)
composed by Sigismund Neukomm -
Nicolas Bernier: Les Nuits de Sceaux (2005)
performed by Alain Buet (bass), Anne-Marie Jacquin (bas dessus), Gaëlle Mechaly (dessus), Hanna Bayodi-Hirt (dessus), Les Folies Françoises, Robert Getchell (haute contre vocal), Chantres du Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles (choir, chorus)
composed by Nicolas Bernier -
Théodore Dubois: Le Paradis Perdu (2012)
performed by Alain Buet (baritone), Aurélien Richard (piano), Chantal Santon Jeffery (soprano), Cyrille Dubois (tenor), Elias Benito (baritone), Jennifer Borghi (mezzo-soprano), Mathias Vidal (tenor), Sorin Dumitrascu (bass baritone), Les Cris de Paris (choir, chorus)
composed by Théodore Dubois