Foreign Bodies: Pandemics,...
Simon Schama
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The Chimp and the River: How...
David Quammen
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Infections of Leisure
David L Schlossberg (Editor)
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Zoonoses: Infectious Diseases...
Rolf Bauerfeind (Editor),
Alexander Von Graevenitz (Editor)
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One Health: From AIDS to Zika
Richard Riegelman,
Brenda Kirkwood
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Handbook of Zoonoses, Second...
George W Beran (Editor)
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Animal Behavior and Parasitism
Vanessa Ezenwa (Editor),
Sonia M. Altizer (Editor)
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One Health: Science, Politics...
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On Pandemics: Deadly Diseases...
David Waltner-Toews
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Animals, Diseases, and Human...
Radford G Davis
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The Chickens Fight Back:...
Professor David Waltner-Toews
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Handbook of Zoonoses:...
Joann Colville,
David Berryhill, PhD
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The Primate Zoonoses: Culture...
Loretta A. Cormier,
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Textbook of Zoonoses
Jasbir Singh Bedi,
Deepthi Vijay
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Human Diseases from Wildlife
Michael R Conover,
Rosanna M Vail
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Zoonoses: Recognition,...
Martin E Hugh-Jones,
William T Hubbert
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Zoonotic Viruses of Northern...
Dimitry Konstantinovich Lvov,
Mikhail Yurievich Shchelkanov
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Emerging Viruses in Human...
Edward Tabor, MD
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Animals, Disease and Human...
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Handbook of Zoonoses, Section...
George W Beran (Editor)
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Virulent Zones: Animal...
Lyle Fearnley
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The One Health Model as...
Oreta M Samples (Editor),
George W McCommon (Editor)
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The Handbook of Zoonotic...
Tanmoy Rana
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Diseases of man acquired from...
Balideo Bisseru
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