George Westinghouse: His Life...
Francis Ellington Leupp
Buy from $30.01
George Westinghouse: Powering...
William R Huber
Buy from $45.56
eBook from $23.99
A Life of George Westinghouse
Henry Goslee Prout
Buy from $60.10
Empires of Light: Edison,...
Jill Jonnes,
Chris Sorensen (Read by)
Buy from $63.93
A Life of George Westinghouse
Henry G Prout (Henry Goslee) (Creator)
Buy from $18.75
George Westinghouse: His Life...
Francis E Leupp
Buy from $31.73
The Life of George...
Henry G Prout
Buy from $34.31
George Westinghouse; His Life...
Francis Ellington Leupp (Creator)
Buy from $25.28
George Westinghouse: His Life...
Frank Crane
Buy from $18.00
George Westinghouse; His Life...
Francis Ellington Leupp
Buy from $48.34
A Life of George Westinghouse
Henry G Prout
Buy from $51.00
George Westinghouse: His Life...
Frank Crane
Buy from $38.96
George Westinghouse: His Life...
Francis E Leupp
Buy from $58.95
The Life of George...
Henry G Prout
Buy from $63.74
George Westinghouse: His Life...
Frank Crane
Buy from $68.16
A Life of George Westinghouse
Henry Goslee Prout
Buy from $29.99
George Westinghouse: His Life...
Francis E Leupp
Buy from $52.52
George Westinghouse: Gentle...
Jr Quentin Skrabec,
Quentin R Skrabec, Jr.
Buy from $19.49
George Westinghouse: Gentle...
Jr Quentin Skrabec,
Quentin R Skrabec, Jr.
Buy from $40.64
George Westinghouse: His Life...
Francis E Leupp
Buy from $39.89
A Life of George Westinghouse
Henry G Prout
Buy from $21.46
Empires of Light: Edison,...
Jill Jonnes
Buy from $1.81
Executioner's Current: Thomas...
Richard Moran
Buy from $6.36
A Life of George Westinghouse
Henry Goslee Prout
Buy from $31.73