Advances in Sorghum Science:...
Ratikanta Maiti (Editor),
Humberto González Rodríguez (Editor)
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Sorghum in the 21st Century:...
Vilas A. Tonapi (Editor),
Harvinder Singh Talwar (Editor)
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Sorgho and Imphee: the...
Henry Steel 1832-1907 Olcott,
Leonard Zulu-Kaffir Imphee Wray (Creator)
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Molecular Breeding in Wheat,...
Professor Mohammad Anwar Hossain (Editor),
Dr. Mobashwer Alam (Editor)
Buy new from $188.66
eBook from $240.00
Advances in Sorghum Science:...
Ratikanta Maiti (Editor),
Humberto González Rodríguez (Editor)
Buy new from $140.86
eBook from $82.48
Sorghum in the 21st Century:...
Vilas A Tonapi (Editor),
Harvinder Singh Talwar (Editor)
Buy new from $187.86
eBook from $56.70
"My" Signature Sorghum...
Sharon Kaye Hunt
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eBook from $3.99
Sorghum: Properties,...
Valentin Missiakô Kindomihou, Ph.D (Editor)
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Sorghum and Millets:...
John Taylor (Editor),
Kwaku G. Duodu (Editor)
Buy new from $182.68
eBook from $235.00
Achieving Sustainable...
Prof. William Rooney (Editor),
Dr. Jeff Dahlberg (Contributions by)
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eBook from $210.00
Achieving Sustainable...
Prof. William Rooney (Editor),
Dr. S R Bean (Contributions by)
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eBook from $170.00
Millets and Sorghum: Biology...
Jagannath V. Patil (Editor)
Buy new from $182.08
eBook from $165.00
Sorghum Biochemistry: An...
CV Ratnavathi,
Jagannath Vishnu Patil
Buy new from $171.10
eBook from $150.00
Investigation of the...
United States Dept of Agriculture
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Genetic Enhancement of Rabi...
Sanjana Reddy,
J.V. Patil
Buy new from $72.42
eBook from $79.95
Sorghum's Savor
Ronni Lundy
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Genomics of the Saccharinae
Andrew H Paterson (Editor)
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eBook from $62.70
Corn and Grain Sorghum...
Yared Assefa,
Kraig L. Roozeboom
Buy new from $45.57
eBook from $39.95
Sorghum: Production, Growth...
Patricia C Parra (Editor)
Buy new from $142.02
Genomics of the Saccharinae
Andrew H Paterson (Editor)
Buy new from $206.66
Manuel Vazquez
Buy new from $121.84
Sorghum: Cultivation,...
Tomás D Pereira (Editor)
Buy new from $107.22
Sorghum and Millets Diseases
John F Leslie (Editor)
Buy new from $276.06