Armageddon: What the Bible...
Bart D Ehrman,
Robert Petkoff (Read by)
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Confessions of a French...
Guillaume Bignon,
Lee Strobel (Foreword by)
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City of God
St Augustine,
Mark Meadows (Read by)
Buy new from $106.83
City of God
St Augustine,
Mark Meadows (Read by)
Buy new from $116.88
Saving Christianity?: The...
Michael Youssef,
David Cochran Heath (Read by)
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Heaven and Hell: A History of...
Bart D Ehrman,
John Bedford Lloyd (Read by)
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Bearing God's Name: Why Sinai...
Christopher J H Wright (Contributions by),
Ann Richardson (Read by)
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Seeing Beauty and Saying...
John Piper,
Bob Souer (Read by)
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How Africa Shaped the...
Dr. Thomas C Oden,
Tom Parks (Read by)
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The Roots of Endurance:...
John Piper,
Bob Souer (Read by)
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The Long War Against God: The...
Henry M Morris,
David Jeremiah (Foreword by)
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The Roots of Endurance:...
John Piper,
Bob Souer (Read by)
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The Legacy of Sovereign Joy:...
John Piper,
Bob Souer (Read by)
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Vatican I: The Council and...
John W O'Malley,
Matthew McAuliffe (Read by)
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Vatican I: The Council and...
John W O'Malley,
Matthew McAuliffe (Read by)
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The Church History
Paul L Maier, Ph.D.
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The Church History
Paul L Maier, Ph.D.
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Essential Jonathan Edwards:...
David Cochran Heath,
Owen Strachan
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Surprised by Hope: Rethinking...
N T Wright,
James Langton (Read by)
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Surprised by Hope: Rethinking...
N T Wright,
James Langton (Read by)
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Was the Reformation a Mistake...
Matthew Levering,
Professor Kevin J Vanhoozer (Contributions by)
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On Augustine
Rowan Williams, Archbishop,
Peter Noble (Read by)
Buy new from $9.36
The Day the Revolution Began:...
N T Wright,
James Langton (Read by)
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Why the Reformation Still...
Tim Chester,
Michael Reeves
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