The Resurrectionist: The Lost...
E B Hudspeth
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The Perks of Being a...
Stephen Chbosky
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Humans of New York
Brandon Stanton
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Mornings with Madden
Stan Bunger
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eBook from $4.00
Art Hiding in New York: An...
Lori Zimmer,
Maria Krasinski
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My Mets Bible: Scoring 30...
Evan Roberts
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Here is New York
E B White,
Roger Angell (Introduction by)
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The Layered Garden: Design...
David L Culp,
Adam Levine
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Humans of New York: Stories
Brandon Stanton
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Henry's Freedom Box: A True...
Ellen Levine
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The Pennsylvania Railroad:...
Albert J Churella
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All the Buildings in New York...
James Gulliver Hancock
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Good Night Pittsburgh
Mark Jasper
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eBook from $1.25
Penman of the Founding: A...
Jane E. Calvert
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eBook from $15.60
Trope New York
Michelle Fitzgerald (Editor),
Jack Van Boom (Editor)
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New York: Through a Fashion...
Megan Hess
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We Are Not Like Them
Christine Pride,
Jo Piazza
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Good Night Steelers-Board
Brad M Epstein
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New York Bars at Dawn
Daniel Root,
Rosie Schaap (Foreword by)
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Hudson Valley History &...
Michael Adamovic
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Chelsea Hotel: Portraits from...
Alexandra Auder (Foreword by),
Fred Ritchin (Introduction by)
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American Sirens: The...
Kevin Hazzard
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Shackled: A Tale of Wronged...
Candy J Cooper
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The Discus Thrower Meets...
Pinky Keehner
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