Electroweak-Interacting Spin...
Motoko Fujiwara
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Wobbling Motion in Nuclei:...
Nirupama Sensharma
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Physics of Spin-Orbit-Coupled...
Gang Cao,
Lance DeLong
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Nuclear Spin Relaxation in...
Jozef Kowalewski,
Lena Maler
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Synthetic Spin-orbit Coupling...
Wei Zhang (Editor)
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Electron & Nuclear Spin...
M. M. Glazov
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Spin States in Biochemistry...
Marcel Swart,
Miquel Costas
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eBook from $166.00
Manipulating Quantum...
Michael E Flatté (Editor),
Ionel Tifrea (Editor)
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Spins in Chemistry
R McWeeny
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Pauli & the Spin-Statistics...
Ian Duck,
E C George Sudarshan
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Spin Structure of the Nucleon...
Toshi-Aki Shibata (Editor),
Shigemi Ohta (Editor)
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Spin Geometry
H Blaine Lawson,
Marie-Louise Michelsohn
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eBook from $198.00