Maps of Narrative Practice
Dr. Michael White
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The Handbook of Narrative and...
Lynne E Angus (Editor),
John McLeod (Editor)
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Neuro-Narrative Therapy: New...
Jeffrey Zimmerman, PhD, Abpp
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Narrative Practice:...
Dr. Michael White
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Stories We've Heard, Stories...
Jeffrey a Kottler
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eBook from $37.05
Narrative Therapy in...
David Marsten,
David Epston, M.A.
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Narrative Therapy: Making...
Catrina Brown,
Tod Augusta-Scott
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Innovations in Narrative...
Jim Duvall,
Laura Béres
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eBook from $35.00
Working with Narrative in...
Dr. Lynne Angus,
Dr. Leslie S Greenberg, PhD
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Hope and Despair in Narrative...
Carmel Flaskas (Editor),
Imelda McCarthy (Editor)
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eBook from $35.20
Furthering Talk: Advances in...
Thomas Strong,
Dr. David Pare (Editor)
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eBook from $16.50
Communication Research on...
Kamran Afary (Contributions by),
Alice Marianne Fritz (Editor)
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eBook from $29.25
Reconsidering Dementia...
Rebecca Bitenc
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eBook from $29.15
Storying Later Life: Issues,...
Gary Kenyon (Editor),
Ernst Bohlmeijer (Editor)
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eBook from $42.90
Healing Plots: The Narrative...
Dan P McAdams, PhD,
Ruthellen Josselson, PhD
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Narrative in Social Work...
Ann Burack-Weiss (Editor),
Lynn Sara Lawrence (Editor)
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eBook from $12.95
Narrative and Mental Health:...
Jarmila Mildorf (Editor),
Elisabeth Punzi (Editor)
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eBook from $53.95
Narrative Development in...
Kate C McLean (Editor),
Monisha Pasupathi (Editor)
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eBook from $22.50
Art, Play, and Narrative...
Lisa B. Moschini
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A Fish in the Moonlight:...
Sidney Homan
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eBook from $11.99
Borrowed Narratives: Using...
Harold Ivan Smith
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eBook from $31.35
Narrative Psychology:...
Julia Vassilieva
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eBook from $29.70
Of Mice and Metaphors:...
Dr. Jerrold R Brandell
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Clinical Social Work: A...
Gary W Paquin
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