The Mystery of Darkhill...
Cj Loughty
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School Freezes Over!: A...
Jack Chabert,
Sam Ricks (Illustrator)
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Sam Battles the Machine!: A...
Jack Chabert,
Sam Ricks (Illustrator)
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The Art Show Attacks!: A...
Jack Chabert,
Matt Loveridge (Illustrator)
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Dread Detention
Jennifer Killick
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School Freezes Over!
Jack Chabert,
Sam Ricks
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The Ghost of Old Central...
Deb Mercier,
Ryan Jacobson
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The Library of Shadows
Rachel Moore
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eBook from $8.38
Classes Are Canceled!
Jack Chabert,
Matt Loveridge (Illustrator)
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The Bone Weaver's Orchard
Sarah Read
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Haunted Schools
A S Mott,
Faye Boer (Editor)
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The Haunted Schoolhouse: A...
Jacklyn Williams,
Doug Cushman (Illustrator)
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Eerie Education: Scary...
Natalie Lunis,
Troy Taylor
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Sam Battles the Machine!: #6
Jack Chabert,
Sam Ricks (Illustrator)
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