The Convenient Terrorist: Two...
John Kiriakou,
Joseph Hickman
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Guantßnamo Diary: Restored...
Mohamedou Ould Slahi,
Larry Siems (Editor)
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Witnesses of the Unseen:...
Lakhdar Boumediene,
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The Senate Intelligence...
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence,
Dianne Feinstein (Foreword by)
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The Terror Courts: Rough...
Jess Bravin
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Obama's Guantßnamo: Stories...
Jonathan Hafetz (Editor)
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Don't Forget Us Here: Lost...
Mansoor Adayfi
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Don Brown
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Guantanamo Diary
Larry Siems (Editor),
Mohamedou Ould Slahi
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The Mauritanian (Originally...
Mohamedou Ould Slahi,
Larry Siems (Editor)
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Sketching Guantanamo: Court...
Janet Hamlin,
Carol Rosenberg (Foreword by)
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Guantanamo Diary
Mohamedou Ould Slahi,
Larry Siems (Introduction by)
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Guantanamo Voices: True...
Shay Sarah Mirk,
Various (Illustrator)
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From the Memoirs of a Non...
Alex Gilvarry
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A Place Outside the Law:...
Peter Jan Honigsberg
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Terry C Holdbrooks Jr
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Selling Guantanamo: Exploding...
John Hickman
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Vendiendo Guantßnamo: Explosi...
Jennifer Corry (Translator),
John Hickman
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What President Obama Doesn't...
Thomas Joscelyn
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Shawn Corridan,
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United States Migrant...
Azadeh Dastyari
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Closing Guantanamo: Issues &...
Noah M Claeys (Editor)
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Guantanamo Detainees:...
Elliot T Murphy (Editor)
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Guantanamo: Facility,...
Dominique Vannier (Editor)
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