Filtration and Purification...
Maik W Jornitz (Editor)
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Hollow Fiber Membrane...
Anil K Pabby (Editor),
S Ranil Wickramasinghe (Editor)
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Biochar: Production,...
Yong Sik Ok (Editor),
Sophie M. Uchimiya (Editor)
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Integrated Membrane Systems...
Angelo Basile,
Catherine Charcosset
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Filters and Filtration...
Trevor Sparks,
George Chase
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Handbook of Nonwoven Filter...
Irwin M. Hutten
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Membrane Processing for Dairy...
Kang Hu (Editor),
James Dickson (Editor)
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Introduction to Cake...
Chi Tien
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Riverbank Filtration Hydrology
Stephen a Hubbs (Editor)
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Fluid Sterilization by...
Peter R Johnston
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Handbook of Filter Media
D Purchas (Editor),
K Sutherland (Editor)
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Sterile Filtration: A...
Maik W Jornitz
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Filtration in Porous Media...
M S Espedal,
A Fasano
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Liquid Filtration
Dr. Nicholas P Cheremisinoff, PH.D.
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Problems of Multiphase Fluid...
A N Konovalov
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Water, Wastewater, and Sludge...
C Visvanathan,
Roger Ben Aim
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Granular Filtration of...
Chi Tien
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