The Musical Child: Using the...
Joan Koenig,
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Mind in the Making: The Seven...
Ellen Galinsky,
Gavin (Read by)
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Prof. Steve Peters
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Rest, Play, Grow: Making...
Dr. Deborah MacNamara,
Gordon Neufeld, PhD (Foreword by)
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It's Ok Not to Share: And...
Heather Shumaker,
Laurel Lefkow (Narrator)
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Balanced and Barefoot: How...
Angela J Hanscom,
Rebecca Mitchell (Narrator)
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The Whole-Brain Child: 12...
Daniel J Siegel, MD,
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Sandra Aamodt, PhD,
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Jennifer Waldburger,
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Jenifer Fox,
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Your Child's Strengths:...
Jenifer Fox,
Renee Raudman (Narrator)
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Mermaids and Fairy Dust:...
Christiane Kerr
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Children Are from Heaven:...
John Gray, Ph.D.
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Teach Your Child How to Think
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Your Child's Self-Esteem
Dorothy Corkille Briggs
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