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Elegiac poetry Greek Books

Greek Elegy and Iambus: A Selection Greek Elegy and Iambus: A...

William Allan (Editor)
Buy from $28.98
eBook from $28.80

Studies in Greek Elegy and Iambus Studies in Greek Elegy and...

Martin L West
Buy from $172.99

Greek Elegiac Poetry: From the Seventh to the Fifth Centuries B.C. Greek Elegiac Poetry: From...

Douglas E Gerber (Translator), Tyrtaeus
Buy from $24.29

Simonides: Epigrams and Elegies: Edited with Introduction, Translation, and Commentary Simonides: Epigrams and...

David Sider
Buy from $207.57

Iambi Et Elegi Graeci: Ante Alexandrum Cantativolume 2: Callinus, Mimnermus, Semonides, Solon, Tyrtaeus, Monora Adespota Iambi Et Elegi Graeci: Ante...

M L West (Editor)
Buy from $56.98

Parthenius of Nicaea: Extant Works Edited with Introduction and Notes Parthenius of Nicaea: Extant...

J L Lightfoot (Editor)
Buy from $305.78

The Elegies of Theognis and Other Elegies Included in the Theognidean Sylloge; The Elegies of Theognis and...

Theognis (Creator)
Buy from $4.00

Iambus and Elegy: New Approaches Iambus and Elegy: New...

Laura Swift (Editor), Chris Carey (Editor)
Buy from $52.50

The Stanzaic Architecture of Early Greek Elegy The Stanzaic Architecture of...

Christopher A Faraone
Buy from $31.50
eBook from $44.20

Die Erigone Des Eratosthenes: Eine Kommentierte Ausgabe Der Fragmente Die Erigone Des Eratosthenes:...

Alexandra Rosokoki, Eratosthenes
Buy from $130.81

Solons politische Elegien und Iamben (fr. 1-13, 32-37 W.) Solons politische Elegien und...

Christoph M?lke
Buy from $223.00

Hesiod and Theognis: Theogony, Works and Days, and Elegies Hesiod and Theognis: Theogony...

H?siode, Theognis
Buy from $1.69

Poetarum elegiacorum testimonia et fragmenta Poetarum elegiacorum...

Mr. Bruno Gentili (Editor), Carlo Prato (Editor)
Buy from $127.82

Early Greek Elegists Early Greek Elegists

Cecil Maurice Bowra
Buy from $57.89

Poetic Craft in the Early Greek Elegists Poetic Craft in the Early...

Authur W H Adkins
Buy from $12.50

Theogonis of Megara: Poetry and the Polis Theogonis of Megara: Poetry...

Thomas J Figueira, Professor Gregory Nagy
Buy from $64.99

Archilochus of Paros Archilochus of Paros

H D Rankin
Buy from $76.00

Archilochos. Archilochos.

Frederic Will
Buy from $20.00

Iambi et elegi Graeci ante Alexandrum cantati Iambi et elegi Graeci ante...

M. L. West (Editor)
Buy from $45.45

Erinna to Baucis : with an epigram by Antipater of Sidon Erinna to Baucis : with an...

Buy from $125.00

The Fragments of Mimnermus: Text and Commentary The Fragments of Mimnermus:...

Archibald Allen, Mimnermus
Buy from $113.00

Early Greek Elegists, Early Greek Elegists,

Douglas Branch, H. S. Drago
Buy from $22.06

Early Greek Elegy Early Greek Elegy

Buy from $62.84