Molecular Collision Theory
M S Child,
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Introduction to Atomic and...
R. E. Johnson
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Atomic and Ion Collisions in...
Roger Smith, MD (Editor)
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Collision Theory
Marvin L Goldberger,
Kenneth M Watson
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Dynamics of Negative Ions
J P Gauyacq
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Intermediate Quantum...
Roman Jackiw
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Quantum Collision Theory of...
Reiner M. Dreizler,
Tom Kirchner
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Intermediate Quantum Mechanics
Hans Albrecht Bethe,
Roman Jackiw
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Elementary Processes in...
Ratko K Janev,
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The Large Hadron Collider:...
Martin Beech
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Computer Simulation of Ion...
Wolfgang Eckstein
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Weak and Electromagnetic...
Maurice Levy (Editor)
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Cold and Ultracold Collisions...
John Weiner
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Atomic Collisions in Solids:...
Sheldon Datz,
B R Appleton
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Introduction to the Theory of...
S P Khare
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New Vistas in Nuclear Dynamics
P J Brussaard,
J H Koch
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Topics in Atomic and Nuclear...
B Remaud (Editor),
A Calboreanu (Editor)
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Particle Interactions at Very...
David Speiser,
Francis Halzen
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Atomic Physics with Positrons
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Swarms of Ions and Electrons...
W Lindinger (Editor),
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Atomic Physics: Accelerators
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Atomic Collisions and Spectra
Ugo Fano
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Atomic Collision Theory
Brian Harold Bransden
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