The Little Vampire on the...
Angela Sommer-Bodenburg,
Ivanka T Hahnenberger (Contributions by)
Buy new from $17.51
Release the Wolves
Stefan Bachmann,
Kirt Graves (Read by)
Buy new from $26.83
The Little Vampire Takes a...
Angela Sommer-Bodenburg,
Ivanka T Hahnenberger (Contributions by)
Buy new from $17.51
Attack of the Forty-Foot...
Patrick Carman,
André Santana (Read by)
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A Fright to Remember
Adrianna Cuevas
Buy new from $18.94
Katherine Marsh,
Hope Newhouse (Read by)
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Monster Club: Monsters Take...
Darren Aronofsky,
Lance Rubin
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Adia Kelbara and the Circle...
Isi Hendrix,
Caroline Sorunke (Read by)
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Adia Kelbara and the Circle...
Isi Hendrix,
Caroline Sorunke (Read by)
Buy new from $21.79
Frances and the Werewolves of...
Refe Tuma,
Esther Wane (Read by)
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Rise of the Undead
Rex Ogle,
Timothy Andrés Pabon (Read by)
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Shiverwood Academy
Lea Taddonio,
Kevin Connolly (Read by)
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Julia Donaldson Sings The...
Julia Donaldson
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Curse of the Werewolves
Rex Ogle,
Timothy Andrés Pabon (Read by)
Buy new from $19.42
The Black Slide
J W Ocker,
Ramón de Ocampo (Read by)
Buy new from $19.40
Hunters of the Lost City
Kali Wallace,
Sophie Amoss (Read by)
Buy new from $21.77
Dust & Grim Lib/E
Chuck Wendig,
Rachel Jacobs (Read by)
Buy new from $38.71
Who's In Your Audiobook?
Tom Fletcher
Buy new from $16.35
David Walliams,
Samantha Bond (Read by)
Buy new from $12.63
Shadow School #3: Phantoms
J a White,
Kim Mai Guest (Read by)
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The Smashed Man of Dread End...
J W Ocker,
Gail Shalan (Read by)
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Healer of the Water Monster...
Brian Young,
Shaun Taylor-Corbett (Read by)
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Between Monsters and Marvels...
Alysa Wishingrad,
Carlotta Brentan (Read by)
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Peril at Price Manor Lib/E
Laura Parnum,
Caitlin Kelly (Read by)
Buy new from $33.96