The Darkest Jungle: The True...
Todd Balf,
Ray Childs (Read by)
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Jungle of Stone: The...
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Paul Michael Garcia (Read by)
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Dark Wind: A Survivor's Tale...
Gordon Chaplin,
Paul Michael (Read by)
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Luis Navia,
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Ship of Gold in the Deep Blue...
Gary Kinder,
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The Mystery of 2012:...
Jose Arguelles,
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Sooner or Later
Debbie Macomber,
Natalie Ross (Read by)
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The Lost Continent
Bill Bryson,
Kerry Shale (Read by)
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Panama Fever: The Epic Story...
Mr. Matthew Parker,
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The World of the Ancient Maya
John S Henderson,
Nadia May (Read by)
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Sooner or Later
Debbie Macomber,
Natalie Ross (Read by)
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A Radical Faith: The...
Eileen Markey,
Karen White (Read by)
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The Canal Builders: Making...
Julie Greene,
Karen White (Narrator)
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The Canal Builders: Making...
Julie Greene,
Karen White (Narrator)
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The World of the Ancient Maya
John S Henderson,
Nadia May (Read by)
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Off the Chart
James W Hall,
Gary Littman (Read by)
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Sooner or Later
Debbie Macomber,
Natalie Ross (Read by)
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The Path Between the Seas:...
David McCullough,
Edward Herrmann (Read by)
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The Obsidian Butterfly
Lani Forbes,
Stacy Gonzalez (Read by)
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Sooner or Later
Debbie Macomber,
Natalie Ross (Read by)
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Sooner or Later
Debbie Macomber,
Natalie Ross (Performed by)
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Off the Chart
James W Hall,
John Bedford Lloyd (Read by)
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The Darkest Jungle: The True...
Todd Balf,
Scott Brick (Read by)
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Flag for Sunrise
Robert Stone,
Stephen Lang (Read by)
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