Automated Deduction - CADE 29...
Brigitte Pientka (Editor),
Cesare Tinelli (Editor)
Buy from $43.94
Automated Reasoning: 11th...
Jasmin Blanchette (Editor),
Laura Kovács (Editor)
Buy from $46.96
Certified Programming with...
Adam Chlipala
Buy from $68.43
Automated Technology for...
Zhe Hou (Editor),
Vijay Ganesh (Editor)
Buy from $79.03
eBook from $25.50
Artificial Intelligence and...
Jacques Fleuriot (Editor),
Dongming Wang (Editor)
Buy from $51.12
eBook from $16.50
The Little Prover
Daniel P Friedman,
Carl Eastlund
Buy from $29.01
Certified Programming with...
Adam Chlipala
Buy from $57.54
First-Order Logic and...
Melvin Fitting
Buy from $82.77
Automated Theorem Proving:...
Monty Newborn
Buy from $122.11
A Combination of Geometry...
Jacques Fleuriot
Buy from $103.32
A Proof Theory for General...
W Snyder
Buy from $51.65
Automated Technology for...
Madhavan Mukund (Editor),
Supratik Chakraborty (Editor)
Buy from $51.64
eBook from $16.50
Automated Reasoning: 6th...
Bernhard Gramlich (Editor),
Dale Miller (Editor)
Buy from $40.57
eBook from $16.50
Automation of Reasoning: 2:...
J Siekmann (Editor),
G Wrightson (Editor)
Buy from $47.18
Verifying Temporal Properties...
J C Bradfield
Buy from $51.65
Implementing Mathematics with...
R L Constable
Buy from $10.38
Theorem Proving with the Real...
John Harrison
Buy from $50.31
Automated Mathematical...
Hantao Zhang (Editor)
Buy from $49.30
Deduction Systems
Rolf Socher-Ambrosius,
Patricia Johann
Buy from $51.65
The Resolution Calculus
Alexander Leitsch
Buy from $51.65
Methods of Cut-Elimination
Matthias Baaz,
Alexander Leitsch
Buy from $103.32
eBook from $29.70
Logic for Programming,...
Edmund M. Clarke, Jr. (Editor),
Andrei Voronkov (Editor)
Buy from $46.74
eBook from $16.50
Automated Deduction - A Basis...
Wolfgang Bibel (Editor),
P.H. Schmitt (Editor)
Buy from $63.89
Thirty Five Years of...
F.D. Kamareddine (Editor)
Buy from $52.70