Virtue and Beauty: Leonardo's...
David Alan Brown (Editor)
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Heroic Armor of the Italian...
Stuart W Pyhrr,
Jos?-A Godoy
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The Sistine Chapel
Antonio Paolucci (Text by)
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Watermarks: Leonardo Da Vinci...
Leslie A Geddes
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The Rise of Academic...
Alexander Griffin
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eBook from $30.80
Venice and the Renaissance
Manfredo Tafuri,
Jessica Levine (Translator)
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Lina Bolzoni (Editor),
Alina Payne (Editor)
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The Vatican Heresy: Bernini...
Robert Bauval,
Chiara Hohenzollern
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Clio in the Italian Garden:...
Mirka Benes (Editor),
Michael G Lee (Editor)
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Art of Renaissance Florence:...
Scott Nethersole
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Professor Jill Dunkerton,
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Henry Kamen
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Mr. Thomas P Campbell
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Rome: Urban Formation and...
Jon Michael Schwarting
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Raphael, Painter and...
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Pierluigi Serraino
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Brunelleschi's Basilica: The...
Rocky Ruggiero
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