"A Trip By Rail" by A.C. Vale is a delightful, rhyming tale that follows a family's lively journey to the zoo on an electric train, capturing the young narrator's encounters with unique passengers-a butcher, a lady with a puppy, a man in a wheelchair, and more. Each stop introduces a new friend and a fun surprise, while also imparting lessons on diversity, social awareness, and environmental responsibility. This charming story is both entertaining and educational, making it a perfect read for young children and a wonderful ...
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"A Trip By Rail" by A.C. Vale is a delightful, rhyming tale that follows a family's lively journey to the zoo on an electric train, capturing the young narrator's encounters with unique passengers-a butcher, a lady with a puppy, a man in a wheelchair, and more. Each stop introduces a new friend and a fun surprise, while also imparting lessons on diversity, social awareness, and environmental responsibility. This charming story is both entertaining and educational, making it a perfect read for young children and a wonderful tool for parents and educators to inspire meaningful conversations
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