I have been anxiously awaiting the newest installment of The Squeaky Clean Series, mainly to see what Gabby and Riley are up to after the way the previous book (Dust and Obey) ended. I must admit, although I love all things Gabby, and very much enjoy everything Christy Barritt writes, I got a little lost with the number of characters being introduced. I did enjoy the quirky humor of Gabby as she thought of some of them though (like the brothers she dubbed Happy, Sleepy, Grumpy, etc.). I also missed the absence of Gabby's best friend Sierra and the other familiar characters and places in Gabby's life. But the mystery of the amusement park and the evidence of a Bigfoot kept me guessing and I was glad to see Gabby working through some of her fears and anxieties concerning her relationship with Riley. I am really looking forward to the next installment, where I believe, Gabby will be staying right around home instead of traveling.