vocabulary builder for intermediate learners
I don't think this is the best book to start with for a beginner, at least not on its own: it doesn't teach the script in a structured way and it lacks exercises. If you know the basics however or use it together with a more structured book it has a brilliant use as a vocabulary builder and grammar trainer. The book has a vocabulary of over 3000 words. Each chapter in the book represents a grammatical component (noun, verb,...) and the chapters are arranged according to how a Hindi sentence is structured. The way you are supposed to use the book is to build sentences by taking a word from one chapter and supplement this word with words or grammatical components from the following chapters. For example to say the sentence "I will buy a red car" you take the pronoun 'I' from chapter1, the adjective 'red' from chapter2, the noun 'car' from chapter3, and the verb conjugation 'will buy' from chapter6. In this way you can make your own sentences and get them 100% correct each time. You don't need me telling you that because of this clever design the book is highly valuable to any Hindi language learner.