Intelligent Heroine
It is nice when stories lend themselves to real people, rather than just the police and agents of another form. Unwilling and innocents pulled into plots without justification of having done anything wrong or having been around anyone that called for such action. The stories that writers create with agents, cops and cowboys have their place. But, it is the stories that seem random to "normal lay" people that lend themselves to luring a reader into believing they are real. Even an intelligent, education woman like the heroine goes through the same angst as any of us would. Making us want to read the whole story, wanting us to know how it works out. Having us believe that this really does happen and could happen and what to do. It never hurts to have a sexy hero to aid her. But, here again, Jackson allows that to be a back story to the suspensful plot of intrigue. A great read and the ultimate conclusion of Ty and Samatha takes place in the epilogue of Cold Blooded the companion novel.