Outlaw, Outlaw, Who Are You Now?
When Jim Lacy rides away for his partner, Ben Ide, he is at a loss as what to do. He had settled his debt to his friend in the book "Forlorn River" and despite having fallen in love with Ben' sister, Hettie, he knows the RIGHT thing to do was to ride away; for he was not worthy of Hettie's love. "Nevada" has always been considered one of Zane Grey's best loved and known works--much more so than "Forlorn River". And I really don't understand why that is the case. Unless the reason is: More people can recognize more of themselves with character of Jim Lacey than they can with Ben Ide. But for whatever reason this book has always been rated higher on the scale of Zane Grey's books. Nevada has left Ben and returned to Nevada where he known as Jim Lacy, and after a series of adventures and two passing years he overhears a conversation between his boss and a judge about his old friend, who is now in Arizona. Their suspicions about Ben cause Nevada to offer his services, as range detective, his only condition, if he lives through this ordeal, his name will be cleared. They agree. During these years, Hettie Ide has longed for Nevada, not understanding why he had run away; for she loved Nevada, and love was all that mattered to her. Nevada IS one of Zane Grey's best books, I even rate it as high as its sequel, but I do like the first novel better, and I suggest you had better read "Forlorn River" first to make the story fully understandable.