Young sailor Ishmael signs onto the whaling ship, Pequod. Soon, he comes to question his judgment as the vessel sets sail and he meets the strange crew sailing with him. Strangest of all is the mysterious Captain Ahab, whose obsession with the great white whale who once bit off his leg may lead them all to a watery doom.
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Young sailor Ishmael signs onto the whaling ship, Pequod. Soon, he comes to question his judgment as the vessel sets sail and he meets the strange crew sailing with him. Strangest of all is the mysterious Captain Ahab, whose obsession with the great white whale who once bit off his leg may lead them all to a watery doom.
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Add this copy of Moby Dick to cart. $15.85, good condition, Sold by ThriftBooks-Reno rated 5.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Reno, NV, UNITED STATES, published 2008 by Marvel Comics Group.