How about that Robert Shemin?
I met Robert Shemin at a Trump Learning Annex seminar and the man is a very nice, gentle and generous genius. He gave away a nine hundred dollar seminar and suitcase full of books to a woman who couldn't afford his seminar on how to get rich in real estate with other people's money. He has 54 or 55 ways to get rich and is a multi-millionaire running five or six real charities. He practices what he preaches, has a lot of free videos on UTUBE if you want to see what he looks like and here some of his ideas. This book is for the skeptics, the doubters, and for the people who think there must be a better way. Well, there is. Stop thinking like an idiot, and start thinking like Robert Shemin. He has an MBA and a J.D. degree, is also a landlord and understands the rights of tenants. He even wrote a book on that. Check out his other books, at the library or here.
He says he wasn't the brightest lightbulb in his school days, but he sure has made up for it by thinking outside the box. He has the humility that only comes with dedication, honesty and hard work.
I am sure he knows what he is doing and can teach you what you need to know to do deals all the way up to $100 million dollars.
If you have the courage and the belief in yourself, don't analyze it to death, just do it!